April 6, 2013 3.14pm
Her smile tells all she hopes for the future
Her life before her full of so much joy; she nurtures
The treasures she keeps happily displayed
For the entire world to see, appreciate and jointly applaud.
A happy little girl playfully arranging her wares
Not minding the niggling pain in her young heart and the fears
Of a wicked world which lurks and waits for her to fully emerge
Only so her joy and happiness, the world’s misery and sorrow can brutally submerge.
She knows not what the future holds
But in her hands she knows she has all that she can mould
To create that future she hopes will fulfill her near nubile dreams
Before the world comes to peck away at her seams.
Her worldly treasures she holds and flaunts
Laughing in the face of friendly taunts
Soon grown and old; she will look back and wonder what happened
To all those dreams which never bloomed.
This poem was inspired by the picture of the little girl depicted (blurred to protect her and other reasons).
She is the niece of a close friend, Gooseberry. I am sure when she sees this she is going to wonder why it took me so long to write it after my promise. Well Goose, some times it takes other triggers to bring these things out. I got my trigger after reading another friend’s blog post (can’t remember title).
It was a picture that was beautiful enough to provoke this piece. She was so full of life and happiness…all over a collection of crown corks she had in a steel plate (many of us will remember our childhoods playing with crown corks?). I am sure, in our journey through life we can relate with what has been written here. But, I hope in the end we can look back and say we had a good life. Cheers