Click here to Read The Prologue
Click here to Read The Part 1
That day, on their first meeting, he had gotten approval for his loan application. It took only about thirty minutes of talking and laying out his plans to convince her. Plans he had been using the better part of two months to convince Phillip were sound and profitable. She had explained to him that she saw the strong points in his arguments and proposals. She also said that the bank was happy to have some indigenous entrepreneurs like himself channel in-roads into international markets. She however recommended a reduction in the ‘pay-back’ period from twenty-four months to eighteen.
“We are delighted to avail you this fund sir. It is also our pleasure that we are here to make your dreams come true,” she beamed him a smart smile. It was the smile of an angel, the kind that was good enough to smooth out all the rough edges of life’s worries. They had gone over ‘small details’ afterwards, and in all the time, he found it hard to concentrate every time she looked at him with her big, sultry eyes.
Izu didn’t mind the reduced ‘pay-back time’ period. He knew he could recoup all his funds and profit in that time. The whole package was a ‘smash and grab’ deal for him; he intended to be in and out of the market in a year or less. The flourishing tourism market in Brazil was an untapped gold mine. His plan was simple, open up that corridor for overseas holiday-hungry Nigerians. With his ‘ace plan’ to use his links in an international wealth creation club, he was hoping to make it cheaper to set up his corridor and ancillary appendages –hotel, transport and entertainment to would-be holiday makers. He didn’t reveal this in his original proposal to the bank, so he was more than confident of reaping huge profits.
He stepped out of the bank with a new spring in his steps and a tinker bell tolling around his heart.
At first, he tried to screen out thoughts about her. But after a few days, he had to accept he couldn’t stop thinking about her. It was like trying to stop a breached dam from over-flowing. He was powerless in preventing himself from becoming a slave to his softer side. So, he became a slave and bought her a card before traveling out to Rio.
It was worse while he was out there. He found himself calling her immediately after calling Oz. It was like he was leaving out an essential part of his life if he didn’t call her in a day. So, he made up every pretext to call her – from asking for tips on the present stock options, to mundane things like weather reports. And every time he called, she was always pleasant – genial even. She gave him everything he asked for and always laughed and wished him “good luck and a safe trip back home.”
In three weeks, he was able to set-up his business structure in Rio de Janeiro and hop on a plane back to Lagos. He didn’t call Oz to tell her he had wrapped up his trip earlier than planned. He didn’t think he wanted to see her yet. All his thoughts were arrowed in another direction. So instead, he called Olamide.
“Hi, Olamide. It’s me Izu,” as usual there was that breezy enthusiasm on the other end of the line. She always seemed pleased to hear from him, any time of the day or night. Needless to say, they spoke just the day before, less than twenty-four hours ago.
“How are you doing? I hope all is well and you were able to tie-up the stock option deals?”
She was nice like that. Always asking about updates and trying to troubleshoot for him. Unlike Oz, who always just wanted to know how he was doing and when he was going to come back home. It was not like he blamed her for wanting him back early. He knew the house would be a bit big for her, however he had gotten bitten by a new bug and he didn’t want to quash it just yet.
“Yes, I did and it is all set up. Look, I was able to finish up here in record time. I am heading back to Nigeria tomorrow and thought maybe you could pick me up at the airport…..”
“Sure thing. I can do that. No problem at all.”
And just like that, he opened a door to a life of complications and closed it firmly behind himself.
“Hey honey, how was your trip?”
“It was OK. I am glad to be back and can’t wait for you to come back home baby,” he had missed her. Just stepping into the house again had made him realize how much he had missed her.
It also made him feel dirty and guilty.
He had cheated on her. It was as simple as that. Coming back to his home had made the fact even starker and his appreciation of his actions even darker.
His conscience pricked him. This time, he knew he had bought market. He had only had one or two close shaves with women, in a sexual way, since his marriage. He was someone who came in constant touch with women- old and the not so old, the young and the too young. So, he was bound to face the inevitable temptation.
He however had always prided himself as a faithful husband and liked to think he took his marital vows seriously. He liked to think he can handle himself well, no matter the kind of heat he had to endure.
He guessed Oz knew that, and trusted him enough, that she said to him what she said on their wedding night. He had been shocked and angry, but she had maintained her stance and explained carefully, that she was not necessarily bothered of ‘a few years ahead’, but of a decade or two in the future. She also pointed out to him, that she knew she had a ‘cake’ everyone might want a bite of. They had laughed at the metaphor and had made love for the first time as a married couple afterwards.
But now there was another woman. Olamide Smith was more than just another woman. And she had had a big bite of that cake.
The one week he had had with her, the one week of wanton sex had changed the whole complexity of his definition of who she was to him. It had also unhinged him. Now, he thought more about her than he thought about any other woman other than Oz. It was crazy, like having to dance to two different tunes at the same time. He can’t let it go on for longer. It was not safe, and he was not going to be lying to Oz more than was necessary. She knew about all or most of the women who came on to him, but this was different. He had done the hunting this time. There was a major difference, and he was not sure he could handle this new scenario for much longer without Oz knowing something was wrong. He hadn’t told her about Olamide. In fact, he had not told her that his account officer at the bank had been changed.
The cooing sounds she was making on the end of the line brought him back from his reverie. The noise was enough to give him a mini arousal. He felt momentarily guilty, but the stronger feeling of his sexual urge suppressed the moral reprimand.
“I will check-out earlier than usual, ask someone to cover the rest of my afternoon shift or something, so that I can pick Daphne from the day-care. Then, I am coming for you Tiger.”
He dropped his bag and transferred the phone to the other ear, “I can’t wait. In the meantime, I will have a meal ready and also you get wine on your way,” he chuckled as she made some more sensual noises on the other end.
She keeps his heart skidding dangerously every time she speaks…but, Olamide makes it just stand still when she looks at him. They are opposites of the same woman. For now he was back with the one half that pushes his heart to the limits. He wanted her like never before.
It had been a while.