August 14, 2012 7.35am
There was a time…
A long, almost forgotten time
When we will lie in the shade beside the muddy pool
Sleeping and basking in the sunset cool
That was when life was fun
When the day was lit by the sun
When brothers didn’t march the streets in thirsty search
Of blood to spill and lives to butcher.
I remember the time…
A Long, almost forgotten time
When we gathered and played in the yard
Little children with no expectation beyond what we had
Clothes dirtied from rollicking in the sands
Mud, spittle and other unspeakable dirt on our feet and hands
A time, almost long forgotten time
When play and fun wasn’t frowned at as wasting of time
A time we had to be us and just be free.
I remember the time…
A long, almost forgotten time
When having a crush was silly and nothing more
When a blush will bring so much ribbing and yakking from friends and foe
We just had fun with no care and worry for the morrow
But, life happened and now all we know is heartbreak and sorrow.
I remember the time…
A long, almost forgotten time
Fraught with pain, loss, abuse and forlorn hope
For a love soured with the flatulence from the winds of time
Carried away on the wings of painful memory
The memory only a flicker of unsavory imagery
Deep loss, sorrow and heart-wrenching pain
Served by Love
From a bloodied hand from an almost forgotten time.
4.12 pm
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