Welcome to our short story series titled OFFICE SHENANIGANS. This one’s a Monday affair!
#OS by The RebelKween and yours truly, aims at bringing to life the different kinds of personalities, characters and all shades of incidents that occur in offices – some office-worthy, some not! BUBBLE GUM, RED TIE, SKIRT and BLUE TIE will be showing you all kinds of emotions that flow during interactions with colleagues, which we are pretty sure many of you will resonate with!
If you read one of #OS stories (or more) that gives you a “this is so my office people!” moment, comment, share with them, and feel free to share your stories with us too!
We hope you enjoy these stories as much as we enjoyed writing them!
Read #OS2 – BE MINDFUL here
“Hey Blue, have you noticed how women get so grumpy whenever they see me with you?”
“Nope, I haven’t.”
“Oh. So, you did not see the one at the reception scowl when we were inside there just now?” Red asked.
Blue Tie puffed his cheeks, squeezing his facial expression into furrowed lines trying to remember the encounter with the receptionist they just met.
“I dunno. I cannot remember how she was looking exactly. I only remembered that she was quite snappish and rude. Next time, why don’t you just ask?”
“I will do no such thing. And you know why?”
“Nope. Why?”
Red Tie chuckled then wrinkled his nose, “I think I know what her problem is – I could smell it even from where I stood. She’s having one of those days that come around monthly.”
“Please BG, don’t tell me who or what I shouldn’t be angry at this morning! First it was that stupid traffic light, I thought it was functioning properly…”
“It wasn’t?” Bubble Gum asked, trying to figure out what was wrong with Skirt this morning.
“It wasn’t! I was waiting there mindlessly, for it to turn amber then green. It took a few cars to pass me by before I figured it wasn’t working!”
“Oook… but what were you thinking ab..?”
Skirt cut in, “then that gateman thought it was funny to ask me for N500 this early Monday morning! Can you imagine?!”
Bubble Gum giggled. “But you and Uniform have been chummy since before I even came to this company na.”
Skirt responded impatiently, “wo wo wo, please I don’t want to be chummy with anyone this morning abeg…” She started going through her bag, and eventually sank into her chair looking dejected.
“Skirt… I don’t know what’s wrong, but… how can I help?”
“Do you have a tampon? And maybe Ibuprofen?”
“Ooooh… Now I get it! Hang on, let me hook you up!” Bubble Gum went to her desk and started to take out small boxes.