August 27, 2011 1.43am
Ring around the roses
A pocket full of posies
Atiishu, atiishu
We all fall down.
Only again to rise
Not in daytime when the sun rises
But at night-time to play, just after dusk till early dawn
Ring around the roses
A pocket full of posies,round Απϑ round the garlanded hedges
Just outside the basement which collapses
Gather round Απϑ hear our call
A shrill Απϑ eerie night-time howl
Tonight we recruit one more lost soul
Ring around the roses
A pocket full of posies,
Atiishu, atiishu
We are all children of the night
Our souls lost and in constant flight
We look for respite Απϑ a permanent sanctuary
But what we find íڪ unsavoury
Hence, in our livery of shiny finery
We all fall down
Atiishu, atiishu!