She was in pain. Her mind reeled from her loss, and she found it hard to focus. She was feeling all the wrong emotions in their raw undiluted form. Everything was rushing at her with the full force of vengeance.
She felt everything. It was difficult to express the kind of loss that left you scarred forever. The kind of pain that nibbled and gnawed at your innards until nothing more than the carcass of an empty shell is left.
The sorrow that poisoned every tissue in your body and sucked out the joy from your meaningless living being.
How does she express that to this group sitting around her in attempts to offer her succour and support in her moment of heart wrenching grief? She barely even saw them or acknowledged their presence. They were intruders invading her personal space; in fact, she was sure some were simply there to keep an eye on her and make sure she didn’t do herself any bodily harm.
Subomi clasped her arms around her ample bossom, feeling the ache of her loss. She could literally feel the ache at the tip of her nipples, as if they too could sense they would never feel the expert caressing touch of his tongue again. It was like they wanted to stretch every possible memory and sensation of their last intimate interaction with the lovely pink muscular tissue that was Jide’s tongue.
It was only this morning he was working his magic on them. Just this morning he was sending wild, tingling sensations down her body and exploring all the familiar erogenous parts. planted on her body.
It was like he knew. As her mind wandered, she couldn’t help herself fixing on the thought.
Jide knew.
He knew and had said goodbye that morning in more ways than one.
He knew in the morning that later that evening he was going to be among the victims of the deadly attacks on the airport.
He knew it was his last day with her.
Subomi shuddered, her clouded mind slowly meandering through the foggy thoughts which threatened to crowd out her consciousness. Finally, the thought formed clearly in her mind, rising like a sphinx from the ashes of her utterly ruined existence.
Jide knew. And now so does she.
Her next course of action clear as day.